Physiotherapy in the pelvic floor, a great professional satisfaction

A few years ago I decided to specialize and dedicate myself in clinical practice to pelvic floor dysfunctions. Little by little I discovered the great field of action that encompasses this area and everything that I still have to learn and investigate.

When you tell other professionals that you work in this area of ​​knowledge, it is classic to hear: “you treat urinary incontinence”, “you work with pregnant women”… this shows that we still have a long way to go. There is an increasing demand for care and thanks to the concern of our patients and the results we obtain with scientific evidence, this area of ​​knowledge is becoming more relevant.

It is essential to know the implication that the pelvic floor may have in a multitude of dysfunctions, which a priori would not be directly related.

It is a great professional satisfaction to be the protagonist or the secondary actor in the treatment of a 7-year-old boy with ano-rectal atresia due to a tethered cord, to have the opportunity to provide tools that allow him to gain quality of life and to be continent in order to go camping…

Being able to be part of the achievements of an Olympic athlete, with the simple fact of performing a comprehensive approach to the pelvic floor and the abdominal cavity, in a recurrent hamstring injury. See how he competes in the Olympics.

All this is something that I would never have imagined, when I made the decision to specialize in pelvic floor.

The most incredible thing about this specialty is that there is no limit, it is an area in continuous development, where new fields of action arise every day, with a multitude of innovative therapies that give us the opportunity to be part of multidisciplinary teams. Check out more interesting articles on our Real Blog.

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