9 tips before putting your bike up for sale

Do not miss these 9 tips before putting your bike up for sale, useful to sell it quickly and safely.

Whether your bike has been collecting dust in a corner for years, or if you are thinking of selling it to buy a new bike, you most likely want to get the most out of it, without complicating yourself too much. So, so that you can do this right the first time, we are going to give you a few tips to sell your bike. All ready? Let’s start! Know more about battery powered light bulb.

Take a pencil and paper because once you read all the tips to sell your bicycle you will have to review all of them to do it from ten to the first. And, if you follow our advice, you can have your bike sold in less than a week , or even in 72 hours.

Clean your bike thoroughly

The first advice we can give you to sell your bike is obvious, but necessary. So take a bucket of water, soap and several scouring pads to clean it thoroughly (and with care) and say goodbye to her in true Marie Kondo style. You might be interested in battery powered light bulb socket.

And why do we clean our bike first? What does this have to do with tips for selling a bike ? Mainly because you will need your bike to be clean to take the best photos and above all, for what we are going to tell you about in the next tip.

Check if it has damage or imperfections

Once your bike is clean it will be easier for you to see all those small (or not so small) scratches, scrapes, dents or deformities on your bike before selling it. It’s best to be honest with yourself and take all this into account when pricing your bike. Learn more about hexagon lamp.

Take it to the workshop if necessary

From inflating a tire to aligning the steering, changing and adjusting the brakes or greasing the gears and chain. The price of maintenance that can cost you little in a bicycle workshop can double its value when it comes to selling your bicycle.

Because nobody is going to want to buy a bicycle that begins to fail after a few kilometers. We don’t want the buyer’s shopping experience to be marred by the fact that the rear brake squeals too much when they use it.

Consider the accessories

The extras are priceless. We know that you have been able to have a great time with your bike and that you changed the frame for a lighter and more robust one, but these types of details are not always of interest to buyers. Or rather, they are not willing to pay for them individually. So instead of giving your bike a value by adding each of its extras, the most realistic thing you can do is to give it a value as a whole.

take lots of pictures

The next piece of advice for selling your bicycle is probably one of the most decisive and it is that, among all the offers of second-hand bicycles that those interested will find, your bike has to stand out especially.

Take a beautiful and spectacular first photograph, as if the bicycle were posing. Do not put it in a corner of the living room or garage, take it to a nice place with good lighting. The rest of the photos must be of closer plans, so that the person can see the condition of the bicycle and be sure of what they are buying.

If you don’t know where to start, here are some of the parts you should photograph:

  • Fork
  • shock absorber (if any)
  • wheels and tires
  • Cockpit (handlebars, grips, stem, saddle, seatpost)
  • brakes and levers
  • shift levers
  • derailleurs
  • cranks

Our advice for selling your bike is that the more expensive it is and the more extras it has, the more important the photos will be. So take the time to perfect your photos.

Collect all the data you can about your bike

Now that you have cleaned and inspected every nook and cranny of your bike and you have a memory card full of amazing photos. It is time to start with the phase prior to the preparation of our sales announcement. Our advice so that you can sell your bicycle as easily and quickly as possible, is to be exhaustive in this part. A thorough description, along with good photos, will prevent many questions from buyers.

Try to collect as much information as possible:

  • Brand
  • bike type
  • year of purchase
  • Size
  • Weight
  • Size
  • Price
  • frame status
  • group of changes
  • Brakes
  • Tires (if relevant)
  • Suspension
  • frame material
  • Any recently performed maintenance
  • Any maintenance currently needed

Create a good sales ad

Now that you have all the details of your bike, it’s time to make it known to the whole world. At this point our advice is that you point out the key aspects of your bike, from the material of the frame, age, the main improvements and the accessories included.

This is the perfect opportunity to grab attention and sell what you have to potential buyers. So that you can sell your bike without problems, it is best to be honest and clear. Few bikes are absolutely perfect, and buyers want to know about any problems they might be buying. Point out the scratches, the worn elements or why it is in perfect condition.

Another common question from buyers is why you’re selling it: if it’s to trade it in for something new, if you’re moving, or if you just prefer golf. The latter, although it seems silly, can help sell it.

Survey market prices

Surely you are not the only person trying to sell a bicycle in your city. So, before giving your bike a too high (or low) price, we recommend that you take a look at all the second-hand sales portals to see what price bikes like yours are selling for.

Check all the models and prices, compare them with the characteristics of your bike and put a realistic offer in your ad. This will help you not only sell it sooner, but also avoid awkward haggling and waste time.

Decide where and how you want to sell it

We have reached one of the key moments and that is choosing how you are going to sell your bicycle. Here the options are almost unlimited, from massive web pages to post ads, to social networks, WhatsApp and Telegram groups or word of mouth. The downside of many of these options is wasting time posting and renewing the ad on dozens of different web pages, in addition to having to give your contact information publicly.

You should also keep in mind that once you manage to find an interested buyer willing to pay the price you have given your bike (which will be, by far, the most complicated part) you will have to make the exchange. Whether it’s staying somewhere in the middle or having someone pick it up, the inconvenience ranges from transportation to the perils of selling something to a stranger.

Our recommendation? Sell ​​your bike at Cash Converters, we give a second life to thousands of products every year, we know what we’re doing 🙂 We’ll give you an appraisal in less than 48 hours and you can collect your money in cash. You can also sell it to us from home:

  • Enter your section to sell bicycles
  • Enter the model and its characteristics
  • Send the description of the product and the images that you had already taken
  • Wait and in less than 24 hours you will receive an appraisal
  • Send your product for free to the store and receive the final evaluation
  • Receive your money for the sale

As you can see, with Cash Converters you can sell your bike in less than three days, without complications and safely and with all the guarantees. And it is that, time and inconvenience also have their price.

If this article has been useful to you or if you still have any questions about any of our tips for selling your bike, let us know in the comment box! We hope we have helped you give your bike a second life. Until next time.

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